This spring has been one of many firsts for me. I experienced my first Representative Assembly (it was wonderful to meet some of you there!), I went to Washington, D.C., to visit the NEA headquarters for the first time, I experienced my first Total Solar Eclipse, and I saw the Northern Lights for the first time, the last of which was the most unexpected of all!

When I first learned of the eclipse, I wondered if it was worth the hype, but now, April 8, 2024 will be engrained in my memory as a day that people across the state came together, paused, and looked toward something spectacular. I was lucky enough to view Totality from Stratton. It was breathtaking, remarkable, and worth every bit of hype. But I will cherish the memories that my partner Tom and I made with my childhood friend Kate and her family even more. As I scrolled social media that evening, seeing photos from friends across the state, I realized that for three minutes, we all took time to pause and genuinely live in the moment together.

And just a few weeks later, that same opportunity arose again, albeit more unexpectedly, when a strong solar storm made the Northern Lights visible across the state. I have always wanted to see the Northern Lights, but unfortunately, I’ve never had the chance to be in the right place at the right time until the evening of May 10,2024. Luckily, a friend gave me a heads-up. I jumped in my car and drove out of town, where I sat on a dirt road looking at the ever-changing colors in the sky, once again blown away by the beauty surrounding me. Once again, my social media feed was filled with pictures and memories of that spectacular Friday night that friends across the country shared.

This spring will always remind me of when we, as Mainers, collectively took the time to pause, look up, and marvel in the beauty surrounding us. In a time when so many things divide us, there are also so many opportunities to come together as one large community.

This is the beauty of our Union. While we might teach in different communities and face different challenges throughout the year, when we come together as one, we learn that the challenges we face are not that different, and our collective voice is powerful.

I hope you have time this summer to pause, live in the moment, look up at the sky, and make memories with those around you.

Thank you for all that you do!

Samantha Burdick
Director of Communications & Editor