MEA Committees

MEA Committees are made up of members; they meet three or four times a year (Budget committee meets twice) on Saturdays from 10:00—3:00 at MEA Headquarters, 35 Community Drive, Augusta (lunch is provided; mileage is reimbursed; committee members who have to travel more than 90 miles may request hotel lodging the night before meetings). (At times, Committees may opt to hold a meeting virtually.) 

The purpose of MEA Committees is to provide a greater opportunity for MEA members’ voices and participation in the work of the Association.  Committees provide recommendations to MEA Leadership and the MEA Board of Directors, as well as input to the MEA Representative Assembly.  MEA Committees also provide important information for MEA Staff.  Each Committee has one or two Board liaisons as well as a Staff liaison to ensure communication and to support the Committee in carrying out their charges. 

Appointments to MEA Committees and to the positions of Committee Chairs are made by the MEA President.  If you are interested in being considered for a committee, please contact the MEA President by submitting the form below. 

*Committee Chairs may request to have additional meetings; additional meetings would be held virtually and at the discretion of the MEA President. 

2024-2025 Meeting Dates

October 5, 2024- All committees except Strategic Budget

January 11, 2025 – All committees

March 1, 2025 – BIPOC, ESP, GR, HCRSJ, IPD, SWB&OC

March 14, 2025 (afternoon) – S&B

March 15, 2025 – Resolutions, S&B, Strategic Budget

May 10, 2025 – BIPOC, ESP, GR, HCRSJ, IPD, SWB&OC

Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC)

Advocates for minority involvement and pathways to leadership, supports educators and students of color, promotes and supports Anti-Racist education, and identifies policies and practices that further support the MEA becoming an inclusive, equitable, and diverse organization 

Education Support Professionals (ESP)

Advocates for ESP involvement in the Association and educational and training programs designed to advance ESP related issues 

Government Relations (GR)

Develops and advocates the legislative program of the Association 


Human and Civil Rights and Social Justice (HCRSJ)

Advocates for educational and training programs designed to enhance human and civil rights and makes recommendations on ways for MEA to promote social justice 



Instruction and Professional Development (IPD)

Recommends policies in the areas of instruction and professional development that involve the practitioner in the areas of classroom management, professional practices and standards, educational technology, early childhood education, and productive evaluation programs 





Receives proposed resolutions (belief statements) and new business items (action items) from members, committees and other groups.  After editing and reviewing resolutions and new business items, presents them to the Representative Assembly 

Statewide Bargaining & Organizing (SWB&OC)

Develops, reviews and recommends policies relating to the promotion of collective bargaining and goals; advises the staff regarding the development of resources to satisfy local affiliate needs related to collective bargaining 


Strategic Budget

Prepares the annual budget for presentation to the Representative Assembly for adoption 



Structure and Bylaws (S&B)

Studies the MEA Constitution, Bylaws and Standing Rules and makes recommendations to achieve the purposes of the Association; is responsible for the continuous maintenance of an efficient and workable election procedure 

If you are interested in being considered for appointment to an MEA Committee, please include your name, email, and phone number below, as well as your first, second, and third choices.  Please share this information with colleagues in your district!