Representative Assembly

The MEA holds an annual Representative Assembly (RA) in May. MEA’s RA is the largest democratic body of the association, made up of educators elected by their local associations to represent their district. At the MEA RA members:

  • Set the course of work for the union in the upcoming school year
  • Discuss and take positions on key education issues
  • Elect new leadership
  • Honor members, education leaders, and students with awards and scholarships

Being a delegate at the MEA RA allows you to have a greater voice in your work and in the profession as a whole. MEA RA Delegates vote on the following:

  • Proposed additions, deletions, or changes in wording to the MEA Constitution, Bylaws, or Standing Rules
  • New Resolutions (MEA position on belief statements)
  • New Business Items (action items MEA must follow)
  • MEA Budget
  • New MEA officers

Budget Input Form

Please refer to the goals and objectives below when filling out this form.

DEADLINE 5:00 p.m. March 1, 2025.

Click here

Constitution, Bylaws, and Standing Rules Change Form

Please submit the proposed language as you intend it to read for the MEA Constitution, Bylaws or Standing Rules to be forwarded to the MEA Representative Assembly.

DEADLINE 5:00 p.m. March 1, 2025.

Click here

Legislative Platform Change Form
Please submit the proposed language as you intend it to read for the MEA Legislative Platform to be forwarded to the MEA Representative Assembly.
DEADLINE 5:00pm on February 22, 2025

Click here

New Business Item (NBI) Form

Fill out this form for inclusion in the Representative Assembly Book by 5:00 p.m. March 9, 2024. All NBIs must be submitted by 4:00 p.m., on the first day of the RA Saturday, May 18, 2024 on the RA Floor. You must fill out all questions for the NBI to be considered.

DEADLINE for inclusion in the RA Book 5:00 p.m. March 9, 2024.

DEADLINE to submit NBIs by 4:00 p.m., on the first day of the RA May 18, 2024.

Click here

Resolution Submission Form

Fill out this form for inclusion in the Representative Assembly Book.

DEADLINE 5:00 p.m. March 9, 2024.

Click here

MEA's Goals and Objectives

Quality of Learning Goal

Every Maine student will have a great public school.


  1. Encourage parent and community involvement
  2. Ensure all schools have fully qualified educators committed to students and their learning
  3. Ensure adequate funding and resources for all public schools
  4. Promote highly skilled and collaborative professional leadership
  5. Ensure all schools have challenging curriculum that is flexible, innovative, and complete
  6. Ensure safe and supportive environments that are free from social and racial injustice

Professional Autonomy Goal

Maine Education Association members will lead in establishing and upholding the standards for their professions.


  1. Increase MEA members’ involvement in establishing standards for their professions
  2. Expand MEA’s capacity to be a resource for professional information and opportunities
  3. Increase cooperation and build partnerships with other education-related and social and racial justice organizations

Government Relations and Funding Goal

Maine Education Association will be the most influential political action group in Maine.


  1. Increase the level of MEA member involvement in the legislative and political action program
  2. Enhance the value and strengthen the credibility of MEA as a resource for legislators on issues of concern to MEA members
  3. Increase state financial support levels of public education to at least 55% as mandated by the citizens of maine
  4. Broaden the revenue base used to support public education, and reduce the reliance on property taxes
  5. Expand and strengthen coalitions to achieve political and professional goals, including social and racial justice

Economic Goal

Maine Educators’ salary/wages and economic benefits will be competitive with other new England states.


  1. Increase maine educators’ salary/wages
  2. Promote equitable salary/wage schedules
  3. Mandate healthcare coverage for all active and retired educators to be paid at 100 percent
  4. Improve retirement and healthcare benefits for all educators
  5. Improve funding for professional development for all educators

Working Conditions Goal

Maine Education Association members will work in environments that offer optimum working conditions.


  1. Ensure workplace environments meet the health and safety needs of educators and students
  2. Ensure workplace environments for all educators and students are free from discrimination and oppression
  3. Ensure that appropriate preparation and planning time is available to educators
  4. Ensure that all educators have manageable workloads
  5. Expand the bargaining law to make educational policy issues a mandatory subject of bargaining
  6. Increase the control that educators have over their professional development/in-service
  7. Ensure technology needs are met for all educators


Maine Education Association members will maximize capacity for collective action in all educational arenas.


  1. Strive for 100% membership by positioning the MEA to be indispensable to educational employees
  2. Increase members’ level of grassroots participation
  3. Increase MEA’s influence statewide
  4. Expand the capacity of local associations to advocate for their members
  5. Continue the process of planning strategically
  6. Expand and strengthen the relationships with academic non- governance affiliates for professional development

MEA Program Support Services

Operate the MEA in an efficient and democratic manner for the benefit of membership.



  1. Practice financial and membership management that ensures the fiscal stewardship of members’ dues dollars.
  2. Establish and maintain systems that ensure full compliance with the statutory and regulatory requirements that apply to the Association.Communications/Research
  3. Create and maintain communications vehicles that enable a common understanding of MEA priorities and offer members and affiliate leaders easy access to information
  4. Implement a decision-making process informed by member inputGovernance
  5. Ensure that the governance process fosters member participation and democratic decision- makingInternal operations
  6. Operate facilities to produce an environment that is both effective and efficient
  7. Acquire and maintain information technology tools that help leaders and staff communicate and work productively
  8. Utilize human resource policies that provide MEA the staff capacity to advance the work of the Association

PRE-RA Meetings

In the weeks preceding the RA, MEA publishes proposed changes to Resolutions, New Business Items, Constitution, Bylaws, and Standing Rule changes in the Maine Educator.

MEA also conducts Pre-RA Overview Meetings (PROM) around the state and/or virtual to discuss items that will be on the RA agenda. Information and registration for PROM meetings will be available in the spring.

To participate in debate and to vote on decisions, become a delegate representing your local association. See MEA Elections for information and to request forms.