Rachelle’s New Year’s Ruminations
Those of you who are Facebook friends with me may know about my travel musings as I attend meetings on MEA’s behalf. I have the good fortune to serve as the MEA Executive Director and with that comes a fair amount of business travel to attend NEA/MEA events throughout our country. I often travel with our president and other MEA officers to learn and network with our counterparts from other state affiliates. This year has been no different and more important than ever. It is during these trips that I often take a minute or two to reflect on my surroundings and learnings over the trip, often with a bit of humor if I’m lucky.
In the spirit of those musings, the recent election, and the new year, I offer the following thoughts for consideration:
1) Elections Matter. I know you have heard this a million times, but pro-public education public officials have been instrumental in helping MEA get important legislation passed at the state and national levels. We raised the minimum wage for ESPs. We finally repealed GPO/WEP at the federal level so that public employees are no longer penalized for having worked in the both the private and public sectors. The MEA legislative priorities for 2025 will address educator shortages, education funding for both K-12 and higher education, and pension benefits, and allies will be essential to move these initiatives in the state legislature. School board allies are also key to our ability to influence school policies and working/learning conditions at the local level. Who we endorse and who we elect are the keys to making progress in these areas.
2) Leadership Matters. Your MEA Leadership Team is leaning in and thinking about how the association must evolve and grow to be sustainable and relevant to all MEA members and potential members. The team continually looks for opportunities to share and expand leadership roles. There are also great leaders who organize and guide the association at the local level, helping MEA build power and influence. I encourage you to think about getting more involved in your local association or MEA structures such as committees, board seats, NEA/MEA representative assemblies, and more. I know you are thinking that you cannot take on one more thing. I hear you. Believe me I do. However, especially now, we need your creativity and best thinking to move the union forward.
3) Public Education and Educators Matter. I have always believed that public education is the foundation of our democracy and pivotal to the health and growth of our nation. That has never changed. Public education gives all students the chance to realize their potential and succeed. Each of you are rock stars for what you do for students and public education. Every. Single. Day. You go above and beyond to help students find their way and realize their potential. It is a calling that you have answered. MEA is here to support you. Please keep answering the calling.
4) Kindness Matters. No matter the level of disagreement or debate we may have with another person, how we engage those disagreements or debates says more about who we are than anything else. I am not saying we cannot or should not disagree with another person. I am saying we must remember that we are all human beings who are capable of being hurt and who are passionate about our beliefs. I have had to remind myself of this often in the last couple of months so not to burn bridges we might need later. Balancing one’s values and actions can be a bit tricky sometimes. There is more that connects than divides us.
5) MEA and Our Mission Matters. No matter who you voted for the President of the United States in this election, we are still one union with the same mission and values that we have always had. We will continue our work together to protect public education, our students and each other. No matter what lies ahead, we must stay the course and do what we do best. Lead and educate the future of this nation. How we react in this moment is crucial to our continued success and the future of our union. MEA is prepping for all possibilities and will be ready to address challenges that may present themselves over the next year and those following.
No one knows exactly what 2025 will bring, but I know that together we will meet each challenge with intentionality and strength.
I hope you all enjoyed a nice break with those who bring you happiness and joy. I spent a better part of my break curled up with this precious face (oh and Kevin too). Not a bad way to ring in the new year.
I wish each of you a very happy new year.