Join NEA Teacher Quality in a series of webinars designed to help you master the ins and outs of distance learning.

September 14, 2020: EdTech Pedagogy in Early Childhood
Our youngest learners are navigating the world online and offline. How can we best accommodate the digital world, keeping our early childhood students’ diverse and unique needs in mind? Using technology to provide learning, but knowing when offline options are best or better; a look at evaluating technology and developing online activities for our students with parent supports.
Register here:

September 21, 2020: Leveling up Seesaw for Distance Learning
Beginning and intermediate Seesaw users will take a deeper dive into the many features of Seesaw and models of how we can organically embed authentic social emotional supports. Learn how to create your own custom Seesaw Activities. Also discover how Seesaw’s built-in features like folders, skills, and blogs can help streamline the assessment and feedback processes, whether at home or in the classroom. This session is perfect for educators who have attended our beginning Seesaw session or have been using Seesaw and want to learn more.
Register here:

September 28, 2020: Leveling up Google Classroom for Distance Learning
Now’s the time to take your Google Classroom to the next level! Come learn about how to maximize Google Classroom for remote teaching & learning purposes with embedded opportunities for social emotional learning, more complex assignments, interactive learning environments, tools for one-on-one student support and opportunities to differentiate practice to fit your students needs.
Register here:

October 5, 2020: Leveling Up Schoology for Distance Learning
Leverage Schoology features to create synchronous and asynchronous learning opportunities while growing community. Materials, gradebook, attendance, analytics, and conferences will be reviewed so you are ready to use Schoology to its fullest!
Register here:

November 2, 2020: Social Emotional Learning in a Virtual Space
How can you create meaningful relationships with and between students in a safe virtual space? This webinar seeks to answer this question with already tried it practices. Learn about different strategies, exercises, and activities that put SEL at the forefront in an intentional and transparent way.
Register here:

December 7, 2020: Assessments: Formative and Summative from a Distance 
We will demonstrate how popular EdTech tools can be leveraged to collect formative assessment and inform instruction in an asynchronous environment.
Register here: