On Friday, April 15th, Governor Mill signed LD 1874, An Act to Clarify COVID-19 for School Employees.  The new law attempts to clarify provisions passed last June by the Legislature to provide up to 15 days of COVID Leave to school employees impacted by the virus.  Some school administrators, based on guidance provided by their counsel, raised objections to the language of that bill and undermined the intent.  This new law was passed unanimously by the Legislature and provides clarity.   

Provisions of the New COVID Leave Bill for School Employees: 

  • All public-school employees are eligible for up to 15 days of paid leave for COVID-related absences.  COVID-related absences include the following: 
  • If the school employee has COVID or COVID symptoms, 
  • If the school employee was required to quarantine due to COVID exposure, 
  • If the school employee is caring for someone who is quarantining due to COVID, 
  • If the school employee must care for a child due to a COVID-related closure of a school or child care facility.   
  • The new law is retroactive to January 1, 2021.  If an employee used their own leave to cover an absence related to COVID as noted above, they should reach out to their local association leaders or MEA Uniserv Director to determine the best path forward to recover those leave days.   
  • The new law also clarifies that if a school employee was absent due to one of the reasons listed above, and had no leave days and went without pay, they should receive back pay for any of those days they were not paid. Again, please reach out to your local association leaders or MEA Uniserv Director to determine the best path forward.   
  • Beginning April 15th, however, if you have more than 60 accrued leave days, you are not eligible for this COVID leave.   

You can read the new law here:  getPDF.asp (mainelegislature.org) 

If you have any questions, please reach out to your Uniserv Director, local association leaders or connect with us here or use the Live Chat feature below and we will help you.