In August, MEA launched a new, self-paced, online learning platform – the Learning Hub. Here, members can take advantage of professional learning opportunities in the form of mini “courses,” wherever and whenever it is convenient for them.
We currently offer three courses and will add more throughout the school year.
For Early Career Educators

3 Contact Hours
Classroom management is often used synonymously with student behavior, but it has much more to do with an educator’s routines, habits, and responses. When we think back to our favorite classes and educators, we likely picture a space that made us feel known, respected, and engaged. In this course, participants will consider strategies they can implement to create a positive environment that works for all students. They will understand how respect, rapport, routines, and engagement impact the classroom environment, learn and adopt strategies they can immediately implement to their classrooms and set measurable goals to improve the classroom environment.
For Ed Techs, Custodians, Food Service Workers, and other Education Support Professionals

5 Contact Hours
This course, designed specifically for education support professionals, will allow for participants to determine their strengths in building positive relationships with students. Participants will use a fishbone protocol to identify potential root causes of behaviors, and then determine ethical interventions to achieve a student’s behavioral goals, create goals to enhance the way they build and sustain relationships with students, and adopt new interventions they can utilize to meet student needs.
For those interested in mentoring new teachers or needing a refresher

There’s no way around it – the first two years in the classroom are tough, but strong mentorship can provide new teachers or those new to a district with the supports they need to thrive and persist. Developed in partnership with early career teachers, this training emphasizes best practices in mentoring so that you can assess your mentee’s strengths and areas for growth, while also providing assistance and support to help them reach their full potential.
After this training you will:
- Understand the role of mentors
- Understand impactful mentoring strategies
- Develop action steps to improve your effectiveness as a mentor

What are members saying?
Love that the MEA is really spearheading this need for quality professional learning opportunities for members- the Hub is VERY user friendly and practical.
I’m SO impressed with the Learning Hub & am excited to see what is to come in the future!
I felt like there was a perfect amount of content in this course, ‘Creating a Positive Learning Environment’. It was not enough to be overwhelming, but also not too little.
The three courses from the MEA are an AMAZING benefit to the membership. THANK YOU!!!
Navigating the learning hub seemed to be quite effortless.
‘The Best Practices in Mentoring’ course clearly and concisely helps inform a mentor on how they can best guide their mentee. The content would be a great refresher for those who are already mentors or a good starting point for those who have not yet mentored.

Where will you take your learning?
→Tell us and you will be entered to win a prize!
To be qualified:
- Enroll in and complete a course before 12/31/2024
- Snap a picture to capture where you took your learning – a couch? A soccer field? The backseat of a car? The school parking lot? Share your photos with [email protected] and your photo may be featured on social media or in the magazine!
A winner will be announced and contacted at the start of the new year!