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A Conference for YOU!

MEA is thrilled to invite you to our 2nd Annual Virtual Early Career Educators Conference!

This exciting opportunity is open to both our members and non-members who have been in the profession for 7 years or less.

📅 Date: Saturday, April 26th
🕘 Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
💻 Location: Zoomv

Fund Maine's Future

Now more than ever, we need the state to increase funding for the UMaine System. Put simply, our state’s financial support for the UMaine System has decline precipitously over decades and in recent years the state appropriation and tuition have not kept pace with inflation.

Online Hub for Professional Learning

MEA is proud to introduce our Learning Hub: Portable Professional Learning. This portal provides our members with FREE access to online courses anytime, anywhere; learners can self-register and complete the work on their own time according to their own schedules.

Immigration Resources

More than 18 million children under age 18 have a parent born outside the United States, and nearly 40 percent of them live in households where neither parent is a U.S. citizen. Dreamers, DACA recipients—including more than 14,000 DACAmented educators working in our nation’s public schools—individuals with temporary protected status, and other immigrants play a vital role in our economy and everyday lives.  

Together With MEA, Students Succeed

MEA’s dedication to quality public education goes beyond classrooms. The Union’s commitment to supporting both educators and students helps create a state where ALL Maine students can succeed. 

Who We Are

The Maine Education Association is a diverse group of professional educators, standing together to ensure that our voices, values, and priorities are heard and respected and that every Maine student has the opportunity for an outstanding education. MEA advocates for better pay, benefits, and working conditions for members. We stand up for, support, and empower members in and out of the classroom. And MEA works to ensure equity, prevent discrimination and prejudice, and advance great public schools for all educators and students across the state.

Powerful Voice

Professional Growth

Member Benefits

What We Do

Founded in 1859, the mission of the Maine Education Association remains virtually the same: to support educators so they can inspire our students. MEA is the association that gives you a collective, powerful voice as an advocate for public schools in Maine and across the nation. MEA is here for you. From professional growth opportunities and support, to amplifying your voice in issues affecting you and your work place, to providing perks like discounted insurance and ways to stretch your paycheck, MEA has your future in mind.

Who Can Join?

Certified members, including teachers, nurses, school counselors, school librarians, social workers and psychologists make up the largest group of members in the Association.


(ESP)-Ed Techs, custodians, bus drivers, secretaries, cooks and other support personnel who work for a public educational institution.


Professors, Support Staff and Supervisors in higher education are represented by several units: UMPSA, ACSUM, AFUM, CCFA and CCAA.

Learn More

Higher Ed

Any retired former employee of a public educational institution, including ESP are eligible to join as members of MEA-Retired. Learn more about MEA-Retired here.


Student membership shall be open to any student enrolled in or preparing for a program of study in an accredited institution of higher learning that qualifies that student for a career in education. Apply here to become a student member.

Student MEA

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Conferences & Trainings

The MEA advocates for access to high-quality professional development and increased collaboration time so you can improve your practice. As a member, you have access to the best training on a range of issues from teacher leadership to bully free schools. Make the most of your membership and access the professional development available to you for free.

Maine Educator Online!

The Maine Educator is the nationally recognized award-winning official quarterly publication mailed to the households of approximately 23,000 Maine Education Association members. The Maine Educator is published four times a year (Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer).

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is my uniserv director? (MEA Field Rep)

Please contact us here to connect with your UniServ Director.

Where can I access the salary scale for my district?
Through MEA’s extensive research, the Association is able to provide members with a complete updated salary database allowing you to understand how your pay stacks up against others in the area. This information is invaluable as your local association and your MEA representative, or UniServ Director (UD), work to negotiate the best contract language possible, advocating on your behalf. Access the database here!
What conferences/training are available to members?
The MEA provides, free to members, high-quality professional development. To learn more about upcoming conferences and training check out our latest offerings here.
What does MEA/NEA membership do for me?

Educators work hard to shape Maine’s youth, they deserve an organization that works just as hard for them-through support in your day to day work, pay and benefit negotiations, advocacy at the State House, securing discounts that help save you money, and so much more. MEA has your back-it works to advance public education by advocating for the profession and supporting Maine’s educators so they can focus on what they do best. Learn more how MEA supports members here.

Where is the school employee retirement system info?

On the MEA Retired website,, you can find information including the MainePers benefit schedule and information about disability. For those who have not yet retired, MEA offers, free to members, pre-retirement seminars. If you would like to speak to someone regarding your retirement, or future retirement please contact Lisa Collins in our MEA Caribou office at 207-622-4418 + 2400 or fill out our contact form.

Who do I contact if I have a health insurance question?
Most members of the MEA are covered under the MEA Benefits Trust Health Insurance plan. For information call 207-622-5866 or head online to