Engaged, robust membership makes our Local Associations powerful. We are re-focusing our membership planning by beginning our local campaigns with early enrollment – in April, instead of getting a late start in the tail end of the summer.
For those of you who have been involved for a bit, this meeting IS this year’s “membership kick off” meeting – similar to the one’s we have held in August for years past so it’s really important that each Local participate.
Please send at least two representatives from your Local. Shake it up a little – involve some new folks! Think about those folks who know who is who in your school, people who network naturally, and who appreciate the union and the work we do together.
Attendees will bring back a whole new set of membership tools and resources to re-invigorate your Local’s membership campaign. I’m excited to get started working on it with you!
Dinner will be provided.
Please plan to bring your personal laptop or tablet.