National Board Certification

Improve Your Teaching. Support Your Students. Earn More Money.
NBCT Workshop Information

MEA is offering FREE National Board Certification candidate support workshops for members.

These workshops are designed by the facilitators to give you the information and encouragement that you need to complete the National Board Certification process. Find out what is involved, the time commitments required and how to get assistance with fees. The State of Maine will cover the cost of scholarships for National Board fees for candidates.

Connect with other Maine candidates as you engage in the National Board process, learn the difference between Teaching Standards and Content Standards and what “evidence” of accomplished teaching really means. Get tips for establishing timelines, organizing the work, and accessing resources for candidate support.

Each workshop will have a different focus based on the needs of the candidates attending. You are encouraged to attend as many sessions as possible to get the full benefit of working with this group of dedicated Maine teachers! Participants will also receive contact hours for each workshop attended.

Those who achieve certification are eligible for a $3,000 salary supplement provided by the state. Those who teach in a high needs school (50% or more free and reduced rate lunch) will receive an additional $2,000.

All workshops are sponsored by the Maine Education Association and facilitated by trained Candidate Support Providers who are NBCTs. There is no fee for members to attend the workshops. The Candidate Support Workshops are a free benefit to MEA members. Non-members are welcome, but initial certification candidates are expected to pay a participation fee of $600.00 and maintenance candidates are expected to pay a fee of $300.


Important Links:

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
National Board Certification
National Board Certification Salary Supplement
Revisions to Certfication Process
Start the Certification Process
NBCTs of Maine – Facebook page
First-time and Returning Candidates
Renewal Candidates

National Board Certification is the most respected professional certification available in education.

Any educator with a bachelor’s degree, active teaching certificate, and 3 years teaching/school counseling experience is eligible for certification.