The Three Rs: Reflections, Remembrances, and Two (Just Two) Regrets

I have done a lot of driving while serving in this position. Fortunately there is Maine Public Radio (thank you to our members there!). It keeps me up-to-date on issues across our state and the world and the programs provide information on a wide variety of topics. A while ago on Maine Calling I heard an interview with NPR journalist Mary Louise Kelley who talked about her book, “It. Goes. So. Fast.” I ordered it the next day, and it went to the top of the mountain of books that keeps growing in my home. Mary Louise Kelley was spot on.

It. Has. Gone. Sooo. Fast.

I cannot believe six years have passed. I cannot believe this is my last letter in the Maine Educator. I cannot believe I will soon be a member of MEA Retired.

It will sink in eventually, I’m sure, but as I write this, there is still a lot going on—I am not yet ‘done’.

I have been so very fortunate to have experienced so many great things that even having been a “COVID President” can’t obscure them.

Having served on a number of task forces, committees, work groups, and boards, and having attended numerous rallies, galas, forums, councils, and coalition meetings, I have had the opportunity to get to know so many leaders, both in the NEA family as well as in many other organizations and unions. It’s hard to pick even just a few of the moments I know I will remember forever. Certainly having the chance to meet President Biden, to shake his hand and have a conversation with him, is among them. (Also getting a selfie with Patrick Dempsey as he and I waited in the photo line for the President! What a bonus!) Greeting Dr. Jill on her visit to Maine—that was cool! Giving the commencement speech at the University of Maine at Augusta–definitely an honor and a highlight. Presenting awards and scholarships to so many amazing educators, community members, and students at our annual MEA Awards Banquets–a true privilege. Chairing our Representative Assemblies and hearing your passionate debates—so invigorating. Visiting schools and reading to classes of such great students—always a boost! (One regret—I so wish I had been able to do much, much more of that!) Hearing from our hardworking local leaders on the monthly ‘virtual office hours’ and seeing our committee chairs and members devoting time and energy to our Association has been inspiring. Processing requests for Partnership for Caring and witnessing the incredible generosity and compassion that colleagues have for one another—beyond heartwarming! Working with dedicated MEA staff and our amazing management team has been tremendous. Seeing the halls of the state house fill with MEA members wearing red and engaging with legislators—one of the best sights ever!

And the absolutely remarkable resilience of educators, dealing with March 2020 and all that ensued, or coping with other challenging events (damage from severe weather for one), and of course the still very recent tragedies of October 25th, 2023—the fortitude, determination, and flexibility that Maine’s educators showed–something I will definitely remember.

There is so much more that I know I will continue to reflect on in the coming years.

But meeting and getting to know so many of YOU has by far been the best! (The other regret—I wish I had been able to meet each and every one of you!)

It has been such a great honor and the highest of privileges to have served as your President. I have learned so much more than I ever could have imagined, from all of you, from our MEA managers and staff, from my NEA colleagues. I will do my best to put what I have gained to good use in a new role as a member of my school board and as an engaged member of MEA Retired.

I’m retiring, but I’m not retreating. There is still much more to do to ensure our Association remains strong to support educators so that our system of public education continues to provide a quality education for every student.

In my first letter in the Maine Educator I introduced myself to you with some numbers. So I will end my last letter with just a few other numbers.

25=the number of years I have been on the MEA Board of Directors—as District J Director, NEA Director, Vice President, and President

1=the number of entries in the journal I vowed to keep during my presidency (things got a little busy…)

Nearly 24,000=the number of members I’ve communicated with via frequent email messages

4,763,598,902=the number of emails you have received from me—I checked! (OK, not really…)

And lastly, 5=the 5th of November, 2024—coming right at us! Just one last reminder from me—I can’t resist!–to be involved in electing candidates who support educators, our students, and public education!