Wait, what? Where did the time go?

At this time every year, I am amazed at how quickly time flies (where did the summer and sun go) and how much has happened over the last year. It feels like just yesterday when I was a student eager for new school clothes and school supplies. (Can you say Trapper Keeper?) I may have a slight (okay major) passion for Post-it notes and multi-colored pens, but I try to keep it in check. If you are ever at MEA HQ in Augusta, please visit me and check out my collection for yourself.

As time marches on, MEA continues to support our members and public education, and our collective work helps to move the needle on a variety of issues. Here are a few examples of our accomplishments and work we are engaged in moving forward.

  1. New Leadership. We have a new MEA President, Jesse Hargrove, Vice President Beth French, Treasurer Jaye Rich, and NEA Director Becca Cole. Later in this edition, you can learn more about them and their path to leadership in the union. If you have not seen President Hargrove’s new video communication – The Hargrove Herald, please do so. You should be receiving them via email on the first and third Sundays of the month. They contain snapshots of the work being done in the Association and will highlight upcoming events and happenings at MEA.
  2. Conferences. The MEA Winter Conference will be held on two dates: January 25 in Presque Isle and February 8 in Bangor. It will be a drive-in event with lots of great professional development opportunities for all, including our early career folks and ESPs. Please mark your calendars and plan to join us at one of them!
  3. Elections Matter. Please remember to vote, whether early, absentee or in person. A list of MEA-endorsed candidates can be found in this magazine with information on voting options. As you know, who we elect matters for our professions and our communities. Once the election is over, a new legislature will convene in January to make major decisions on issues that impact all of you every day in your schools and work locations. MEA will be developing our legislative priorities for this session. We need YOU though to partner with us to make educator voices heard. Please stay tuned for more information on lobby days and bill advocacy in the new calendar year.
  4. Online Professional Development. MEA has launched a new online portal for professional development, the Learning Hub, free to MEA members. There are currently three offerings to assist in the completion of contact hours and build professional skills. More offerings are being developed to expand the available options. You can find more information on the MEA website on how to access The Learning Hub. Check it out!
  5. DEIJ trainings. This past year, MEA completed the first step in our larger DEIJ (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice) journey. We completed an equity audit which included surveys of our members and staff, focus groups, and individual conversations. MEA received the audit findings in April with recommendations for next steps which we are working to prioritize and implement over the upcoming years. One of our first priorities is to train a broader community of members and leaders on foundational DEIJ principles so that more members will have similar understandings of this work and their role in our journey. Stay tuned for more information on trainings soon.
  6. Membership Matters. MEA’s membership grew last year by less than 1%. While that is good news (rather than a membership loss), our collective work remains to build our membership numbers, engage the members we already have, and grow strong local associations. Strong membership means a strong MEA, ready to use that strength to influence legislative action, education policy, and local school boards. To share our collective work, victories, and power, one-on-one conversations with new and continuing educators is vital. Sharing the value of membership helps others understand our mission and strategic foci (adopted by the MEA Board of Directors in July). Please consider getting involved in your union. Your voice is crucial to our success.

If it is a fresh start to a new school year for you or just the continuation of your year, I wish you a fall filled with fun, apple cider doughnuts, and spectacular foliage. As the year progresses, please remember to take in your surroundings to see the beauty that exists in our world. Please also remember that MEA is here to support you and to help you see purpose in our collective work.

All the best,