President’s Message – September 2021
A year ago we never envisioned that this September could possibly be more difficult than last year’s, but for many that I have heard from, it seems that it is. With recommendations from the state rather than last year’s...President’s Message – August 2021
President’s Message August 2021 I hope all have been enjoying a break and have been able to spend time with family and friends! This month’s message has a lot of information on professional development, updates on the...President’s Message – July 2021
I hope this finds all of you well and having enjoyed the Fourth of July weekend (despite the less than perfect weather)! I want to start this month’s message by highlighting the NEA RA! For four days last week, June 30th—July 3rd, 22 of your fellow MEA members...President’s Message – June 2021
I hope this finds you all staying well as you either begin your summer break or are watching the academic year wind down, or are continuing to enjoy the life of a retired educator! Our 93rd MEA Representative Assembly, held just two weeks ago, brought the voices...President’s Message – May 2021
I hope this month’s message finds ALL of our educators, in all roles in our schools and on our campuses, knowing that they are appreciated during this National Teacher Appreciation Week—because you are! It was Eleanor Roosevelt who first got...MEA Offices
Headquarters – Augusta
35 Community Drive, Augusta, ME 04330
Phone: 207-622-5866 or 1-800-452-8709
Fax: (207) 623-2129
1349 Broadway, Bangor, ME 04401
Phone: 207-942-0052 or 1-888-942-2907
Fax: (207) 942-0531
7 Hatch Drive Suite #220 Caribou, ME 04736
Phone: 207-888-3856 or 1-800-281-3191
Fax: (207) 498-3032
South Portland
29 Christopher Toppi Drive, South Portland, ME 04106
Phone: 207-774-6133 or 1-800-750-8801
Fax: (207) 774-9786