Equity Resources

As a member, you have access to exclusive resources and support to help you in your work. Below are equity resources provided exclusively to members.

Social and Racial Justice

MEA works to ensure our educators have the tools they need to support a diverse student population. 

Black History Month Classroom Resources

MEA Has Compiled Resources For Integrating African-American Culture & History into Your Curriculum


Responding to Racial Justice Issues Toolkit

This online toolkit provides an introduction to be multiple facets of diversity.

Diversity Toolkit

This toolkit provides an introduction to diversity issues.

Supporting English Language Learners

Research-based and classroom-focused instructional and advocacy strategies to help educators.

Social Justice News

Latest social justice updates from around the nation.


Land Acknowledgement

MEA statement that recognizes and respects Indigenous Peoples as traditional stewards of this land and the enduring relationship that exists between Indigenous Peoples and their traditional territories.

LGBTQ+ Issues in Schools

Use this toolkit to understand and support your students.

Leaders For Just Schools

Become a leader to advance equity in your building and district.

MEA and NEA are building a national network of educators who are prepared to advance equitable outcomes for students. Created by educators for educators, the curriculum allows participants to:

  • Dive into understanding equity
  • Investigate how bias impacts conditions of teaching and learning
  • Explore ways in which they can improve school culture so that every student has the opportunity to succeed

The curriculum is grounded in real-life experiences in schools across the country, so the content is real, relatable, and actionable.

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