What is MEA’s Fund? Why is it important? How Can you Help?
The MEA Fund in Support of Public Education uses voluntary contributions from members to help push for education policies that support members, ensuring that our voice, values, and priorities are heard and respected both in the workplace and at the statehouse. The Fund also helps elect pro-public education candidates at the school board, state and national levels, as no dues dollars are ever used for this purpose.
Nearly all decisions that impact your students are made at a higher level by elected officials. It is important that our educator voices are part of the conversation, and the MEA Fund in Support of Public Education helps give us that opportunity by helping to elect leaders who will work with us and listen to our viewpoints.
We need association representatives like you to sign up members to participate in the MEA Fund, with even the smallest donation of $5 per month. A recurring donation to the MEA Fund will help sustain our advocacy efforts, now and in the future.

$5 For Our Future
We need association representatives like you to sign up members to participate in the MEA Fund, with even the smallest donation of $5 per month. A recurring donation to the MEA Fund will help sustain our advocacy efforts, now and in the future.