My MEA Representative

As a member, your MEA Representative, known as a UniServ Director, is you direct connection to your state affiliate, the Maine Education Association. Your UniServ Director provides on-site professional services for all members and local associations. The MEA UniServ Director Network provides extensive field service to members and local associations throughout the state, working out of four regional offices to supply doorstep service to members.

Each MEA office has several UniServ Directors, with the exception of Caribou. Please only contact the UniServ Director that is connected to the district in which you work.

UniServ Directors Help With
  • Negotiation services
  • Contract administration and grievance adjudication
  • Leadership development
  • Organizational development and goal setting
  • Membership promotion
  • Community outreach and coalition building
  • Advocacy training
  • Professional development
  • Political organizing
The UniServ staff is assisted by staff in other divisions who work out of MEA Headquarters in Augusta and assistants who work out of regional offices.

MEA UniServ Finder

Use the search bar and type in the town that you work in to find your UniServ Director. Then, click the UniServ number to send your UniServ Director a message.