A Happy New Year is upon us!  MEA is optimistic that it will indeed be Happy New Year for our members and our students!  There are a lot of positive possibilities on the near horizon!

A New Year would not be complete without some Resolutions!

There are two kinds of Resolutions MEA hopes you will consider making. 

First, your personal Resolutions, of course! 

For our pre-K- 12 members, consider checking out all there is for you on the MEA Benefits Trust website–meabt.org–especially under the Wellness section.  Get started with the Onlife program and reap the benefits—both health and monetary!

Second, be thinking about MEA Resolutions! 

These are the Association’s belief statements, voted on by the delegates at the MEA Representative Assembly each year.  These positions guide the work of your Association,and you have a say!  Go to https://maineea.org/ra/ to request forms for submitting new Resolutions as well as New Business Items (NBIs-actions you want your Association to take), proposed changes to the MEAConstitution/Bylaws/Standing Rules, and input on the 2019-2020 MEA Strategic Budget.

One More Resolution…

Do you have a colleague who is not yet a member of MEA?  If so, resolve to have a conversation with him/her over the next few weeks and talk about the many benefits of belonging–in the areas of advocacy, legal protection, professional development, along with numerous services and discounts!  Let your colleague know why you belong, and encourage him/her to see your building rep to join us!