President’s Message – September 2023
And we’re off and running! I have had the good fortune to meet many members and local leaders over the summer months—some as recently as this past week. At gatherings of educators there is always palpable energy created (sorry, law of conservation of energy!). It has...
President’s Message – August 2023
Despite what people start saying at this time of year, summer is NOT over! I hope this finds you well and having some time to enjoy whatever you are doing—professional development, travel, or just relaxing. And for those who are working (and I know many are), I hope...
President’s Message – July 2023
Greetings from Orlando and the 2023 NEA Representative Assembly! Our Maine delegation may not be as large as some, but we know how to raise our voices just as loud when representing our members and making decisions about the work of NEA in the coming year—work that...
MEA President’s Message – June 2023
June is a busy month for us all, I know!At MEA, we just wrapped up a successful MEA Representative Assembly and Awards Banquet—you can see some scenes of the events here and a summary of the actions taken will be in the next issue of The Maine Educator.While we’re...
MEA President’s Message – May 2023
Here it is May already—just affirming the truth of the saying, “Time certainly flies when you’re having fun”—the fun being lots of meetings this past month with members around the state: membership meetings, higher ed delegate assemblies, a panel for aspiring...MEA Offices
Headquarters – Augusta
35 Community Drive, Augusta, ME 04330
Phone: 207-622-5866 or 1-800-452-8709
Fax: (207) 623-2129
1349 Broadway, Bangor, ME 04401
Phone: 207-942-0052 or 1-888-942-2907
Fax: (207) 942-0531
7 Hatch Drive Suite #220 Caribou, ME 04736
Phone: 207-888-3856 or 1-800-281-3191
Fax: (207) 498-3032
South Portland
29 Christopher Toppi Drive, South Portland, ME 04106
Phone: 207-774-6133 or 1-800-750-8801
Fax: (207) 774-9786