President’s Message – September 2022
Here we go! I hope this finds everyone having had a wonderful summer break, a relaxing (though rainy) Labor Day, and a smooth start to the New Year! (Yes, educators have two “new years”!)It has been so refreshing and re-energizing to be at meetings with members this...
President’s Message – August 2022
I hope this month’s message finds you enjoying—still!—the Maine summer. (Why do some people start saying things like ‘summer’s almost over’ when it is just now August? Is it because the daylight hours are now noticeably a bit shorter?) Regardless, it is still summer!...
President’s Message – July 2022
I am writing this while in Chicago, as your delegates from Maine are attending the 2022 NEA Representative Assembly. While we were safe, we were asked not to leave the convention center on the 4th while the shooter in yet another tragedy–the shooting at a Fourth...
President’s Message – June 2022
A week after Uvalde, I’m sure many of us, myself included, are still struggling—and likely we will continue to struggle with our emotions, whether sadness or anger or both, until there are finally changes made that could help to prevent events like Uvalde and Buffalo...
President’s Message – May 2022
During this “Teacher Appreciation Week”, we want to be sure ALL EDUCATORS, in all roles across our districts and campuses and including our retirees, are feeling appreciated! Despite the challenges we have faced and that seem to keep coming, we remain optimistic...MEA Offices
Headquarters – Augusta
35 Community Drive, Augusta, ME 04330
Phone: 207-622-5866 or 1-800-452-8709
Fax: (207) 623-2129
1349 Broadway, Bangor, ME 04401
Phone: 207-942-0052 or 1-888-942-2907
Fax: (207) 942-0531
7 Hatch Drive Suite #220 Caribou, ME 04736
Phone: 207-888-3856 or 1-800-281-3191
Fax: (207) 498-3032
South Portland
29 Christopher Toppi Drive, South Portland, ME 04106
Phone: 207-774-6133 or 1-800-750-8801
Fax: (207) 774-9786