Collective Bargaining & Research

MEA Databases

Through MEA’s extensive research, the Association is able to provide members with a complete updated salary database, health insurance cost-analysis database, and contract database to allow you to understand how your pay and insurance costs stack up against others in the area. This information is invaluable as your local association and your MEA representative, or Uniserv Director (UD) work to negotiate the best contract language possible, advocating on your behalf.

These databases are one more benefit of membership-proving again-membership matters!

*Access to the contract database requires individual registration, verification of eligibility, and the use of a password.


Contract Database Eligible Users: Local Association Presidents, Local Association Chief Negotiators, MEA Board of Directors, MEA Statewide Bargaining Committee member, MEA Staff and MEA RA Delegates. If you are an eligible user and wish to register for access to the database, please visit our Contract Database and click on “Register as a New User.”