MEA holds first in-person conference since the beginning of the pandemic

More than 250 MEA members came together to learn from each other and a host of experienced presenters during MEA’s Summer Conference. The event mixed professional development with networking and entertainment (team trivia was a hit!), making for a successful conference where members learned key lessons they say they’ll use immediately. Below are some of the lessons learned this year. Didn’t make it to the conference? No sweat! MEA will have more! Make sure you keep up with your email, and download MEA’s app for up-to-date information.

Lessons Learned

Below are some of the take-away lessons members shared with MEA from each of the sessions attended.

Session: Winning With Words

This was one of the most useful sessions. We really enjoyed learning about the framing techniques and values based persuasive arguments and how effective they are. Really well done and I commend the speaker for giving a great presentation. I also really enjoyed that he gave us the handouts to his presentation as well.

Session: Student De-escalation Techniques

This was a great session! I have taken 3 graduate classes with this presenter and really enjoy learning from her. The information given was some review since I have taken classes from her, but there was new information as well and it was given in a different format. The arc of how students react and exactly when to step in and back off was very helpful.

Session: Dealing with Difficult People

I left this session with tips on how to deal with difficult people in the workplace. The presenter gave concrete examples. Also liked that she “made us” consider our own contributions to any difficult situation (being reflective as professionals). Being from Anthem, she also shared strategies for “staying healthy” all the time, but particularly during stressful times.

Session: Union 101: Why My Union Matters

Awesome session. I knew a lot beforehand but also learned new things! This was also helpful because I can use some of the info to talk to others about our union.

Session: Community Connections for Supporting Students in Need

This session provided information about how to identify resources for support in your community. There were some great ideas/strategies for developing “in-school” areas to assist families and children with basic fundamental needs. Time was given for participants to start creating a community map of resources.

Session: Visibility Creates Value: Building Your Local Up Through Communications

Excellent information and presentation. This session was just what I think every MEA member should attend. Hands on suggestions were given to assist in getting the word out that MEA makes a difference. Invigorating call on how to engage people to join MEA, good discussion of communication practices of union and how to get buy in. Excellent speaker!

Overheard at the Conference

Alicia Deroche
Coastal EA
Special Education Ed Tech

“I have enjoyed being around new people to meet new people from around the state and learn from other people and challenge myself to think outside the box.”

Nettie Bruen
TriTown EA
1st Grade Teacher

“My biggest nugget is having an open mind that we don’t know everybody’s background to how they respond to things and it’s better to get more information before you react.”

Shawn Webster
Dirigo EA
Bus Driver

“This has been a good learning experience to help me better handle the kids on the bus; really learning everybody’s story matters. Everybody does have an opinion and it’s about perception; sometimes it’s better to say nothing than respond.”