MEA Elections
The MEA is always looking for new people to join in the conversation! Be a decision maker and run for an open seat in our MEA Elections.
Elections Conducted by the Maine Education Association
Board of Directors
DEADLINE: 4:30pm on January 17th, 2025
Board of Directors vacancies for election year 2025 exist in the following MEA Board of Directors Election Districts:
2-year term: District M
3-year terms: Districts B, D, H, J
See Elections Resources forms below for a list of all local associations within each Board Election District, or the “MED” column on Attachment I, which lists the Board District.
The Board of Directors duties include:
- General interest of the Association
- Carry into effect all orders and resolutions of the Association not otherwise provided for
- Appoint and fix the salary of a full-time Executive Director
- Provide input to the preparation of the Association budget
- Manage the business and property affairs of this Association.
- Charter governance affiliates: censure, suspend, or expel a governance affiliate pursuant to procedures adopted by the Board; communicate with and report to their constituency policies and actions of the Board of Directors
- Decide questions arising as to the interpretation of the provisions of this Constitution, Bylaws, and Standing Rules
- Attend meetings and the annual Board of Directors Retreat, UniServ district-wide and Governance meetings within their district, MEA-sponsored conferences, the MEA Representative Assembly, and national governance meetings and training sessions as approved by the MEA President
- Act as liaison to or serve on various MEA and other committees as requested by the MEA President and shall attend meetings associated with those committees
Experience in Association leadership is recommended. All candidates should have flexible schedules for evening and weekend meetings and be available to travel occasionally on weekends and during the summer. Public speaking and meeting facilitation experience are highly recommended.
To become a candidate, the following must be completed by 4:30pm on January 17, 2025:
- Notice of Intent
- Biographical Sketch Form (part of the Notice of Intent) – for publication in the Maine Educator or other official MEA publication (OPTIONAL)
- Submit a color or black and white photo – for publication in the Maine Educator or other official MEA publication to (OPTIONAL)
- Candidate Campaign Statement (part of the Notice of Intent) – to be published on a separate sheet to accompany the ballot if there is more than one candidate.
Conduct of Elections
MEA will distribute the ballots to local presidents the week of February 3, 2025 if necessary. Unopposed candidates who seek election to the MEA Board of Directors will be declared elected by the MEA Elections Committee.
MEA Representative Assembly
Higher Education, Maine Public Broadcasting and Student MEA Delegate/Alternate Openings
The following vacancies exist for members of higher ed and Maine Public Broadcasting for delegates and alternates to the Maine Education Association Representative Assembly.
ACSUM | 3 delegates | 3 alternates |
AFUM | 3 delegates | 9 alternates |
CCAA | 1 delegate | 1 alternate |
CCFA | 3 delegates | 3 alternates |
UMPSA | 5 delegates | 7 alternates |
MPBC EA | 1 delegate | 1 alternate |
Student MEA | 0 delegates | 0 alternates |
To become a candidate, the following must be completed by 4:30pm on January 17, 2025:
- Notice of Intent
- Candidate Campaign Statement -to be published on a separate sheet to accompany the ballot if there is more than one candidate.
Conduct of Elections
MEA will distribute the ballots to all members in their respective membership categories the week of February 3, 2025 if there is a contested election. Unopposed candidates who seek election as MEA Representative Assembly delegates/alternates will be declared elected by the MEA Elections Committee and not have a ballot.
MEA Representative Assembly Clusters – 1 delegate and 1 alternate seat for each cluster district, except where noted
(see Attachment J to find local association cluster district)
Term Exp.
Cluster District 1 | 2026 |
Cluster District 2 | 2026 |
Cluster District 3 | 2026 |
Cluster District 4 | 2026 |
Cluster District 5 (alternate only) | 2026 |
Cluster District 6 | 2026 |
Cluster District 7 | 2026 |
Cluster District 8 | 2026 |
Cluster District 9 | 2026 |
Cluster District 10 | 2026 |
Cluster District 11 | 2026 |
Cluster District 12 | 2026 |
Cluster District 13 | 2026 |
Cluster District 14 | 2026 |
Cluster District 15 | 2026 |
Cluster District 16 | 2026 |
Cluster District 17 | 2026 |
Cluster District 18 (alternate only) | 2026 |
Cluster District 19 | 2026 |
Cluster District 20 | 2026 |
Cluster District 21 | 2026 |
Cluster District 22 | 2026 |
Cluster District 23 | 2026 |
Cluster District 24 | 2026 |
Cluster District 25 | 2026 |
To become a candidate, the following must be completed by 4:30pm on January 17, 2025:
- Notice of Intent
- Candidate Campaign Statement -to be published on a separate sheet to accompany the ballot if there is more than one candidate.
Conduct of Elections
MEA will distribute the ballots to all members in their respective membership categories the week of February 3, 2025 if there is a contested election. Unopposed candidates who seek election as MEA Representative Assembly delegates/alternates will be declared elected by the MEA Elections Committee and not have a ballot.
MEA – Retired Delegate/Alternates for MEA Representative Assembly
The following vacancies exist for retired members for delegates and alternates to the Maine Education Association Representative Assembly.
Delegates – 1 vacancy Alternates – 8 vacancies
(1) 1-year term
Members of the MEA-Retired are eligible to file as candidates for delegate and/or alternate delegate seats.
To become a candidate, the following must be completed by 4:30pm on January 17, 2025:
- Notice of Intent
- Candidate Campaign Statement -to be published on a separate sheet to accompany the ballot if there is more than one candidate.
Conduct of Elections:
MEA will distribute ballots to all retired members in February should an election be required. Unopposed candidates who seek election for MEA Representative Assembly delegate/alternate delegate will be declared elected by the MEA Elections Committee.
NEA Representative Assembly
NEA Representative Assembly District Delegates and Alternates
NEA Representative Assembly District vacancies exist for delegates and alternates for Districts 20, 21, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31 for 1-year terms for election year 2025.
Candidates must be a member of a local association in the district which they are running for. For a list of all the local associations within a NEA district, see Attachment G – NEA Districts below, or use the “NED” column on Attachment I. All candidates interested in becoming a district delegate or alternate may run for a delegate or alternate seat.
To become a candidate, the following must be completed by 4:30pm on January 17, 2025:
- Notice of Intent
- Biographical Sketch Form (part of the Notice of Intent) – for publication in the Maine Educator or other official MEA publication (OPTIONAL)
- Submit a color or black and white photo – for publication in the Maine Educator or other official MEA publication to (OPTIONAL)
- Candidate Campaign Statement – to be published on a separate sheet to accompany the ballot if there is more than one candidate.
Conduct of Elections
MEA will distribute the ballots to local presidents on the week of February 3, 2025 if necessary. Unopposed candidates who seek election as NEA Representative Assembly District Delegates and Alternates will be declared elected by the MEA Elections Committee
Guidelines for funding state delegates to the NEA RA as follows:
- Delegates are expected to arrive at the NEA Representative Assembly prior to the first Maine caucus and to remain throughout the entire
- Delegates are expected to attend all Maine caucus meetings at the Representative Assembly.
- Delegates are expected to be in attendance at all business sessions of the NEA Representative
- Delegates are expected to inform themselves appropriately and to participate in the voting process at the NEA Representative
- Delegates are encouraged to make an appropriate contribution to the NEA Fund for Children and Public
- Delegates are expected to coordinate with the MEA Leadership Team to assist in coverage of the NEA Representative Assembly committee meetings that precede the opening session of the NEA Representative
- Delegates may be excused from some sessions for official NEA-RA activities, illness, or other reason at the discretion of the Caucus
Adopted October 2007
NEA Representative Assembly At Large Alternates
NEA Representative Assembly At-large vacancies exist for 6 delegates and 6 alternates for a 2-year term for election year 2025.
To become a candidate, the following must be completed by 4:30pm on January 17, 2025:
- Notice of Intent
- Biographical Sketch Form (part of the Notice of Intent) – for publication in the Maine Educator or other official MEA publication (OPTIONAL)
- Submit a color or black and white photo – for publication in the Maine Educator or other official MEA publication to (OPTIONAL)
- Candidate Campaign Statement – to be published on a separate sheet to accompany the ballot if there is more than one candidate.
Conduct of Elections
MEA will distribute the ballots to local presidents on the week of February 3, 2025 if necessary. Unopposed candidates who seek election as NEA Representative Assembly At-Large Alternates will be declared elected by the MEA Elections Committee. Runners up will become alternates.
Guidelines for funding state delegates to the NEA RA as follows:
- Delegates are expected to arrive at the NEA Representative Assembly prior to the first Maine caucus and to remain throughout the entire
- Delegates are expected to attend all Maine caucus meetings at the Representative Assembly.
- Delegates are expected to be in attendance at all business sessions of the NEA Representative
- Delegates are expected to inform themselves appropriately and to participate in the voting process at the NEA Representative
- Delegates are encouraged to make an appropriate contribution to the NEA Fund for Children and Public
- Delegates are expected to coordinate with the MEA Leadership Team to assist in coverage of the NEA Representative Assembly committee meetings that precede the opening session of the NEA Representative
- Delegates may be excused from some sessions for official NEA-RA activities, illness, or other reason at the discretion of the Caucus
Adopted October 2007
MEA – Retired Delegate/Alternates for NEA Representative Assembly
Six (6) statewide vacancies exist for delegates to represent the MEA-Retired at the NEA Representative Assembly for one-year (1) terms. Per the MEA-Retired By-Laws, two (2) vacancies for delegates are held by the MEA-Retired President and President-Elect. Their alternates, in order, shall be the Secretary, Information Coordinator, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and the Immediate Past President.
To become a candidate, the following must be completed by 4:30pm on January 17, 2025:
- Notice of Intent
- Candidate Campaign Statement -to be published on a separate sheet to accompany the ballot if there is more than one
Conduct of Elections:
MEA will distribute ballots to retired members in February should an election be required. Candidates may run for delegate or alternate delegate positions. Delegates shall be ranked according to the highest number of votes received. If there is more than one candidate for a delegate position, the candidate receiving the highest number of votes becomes the delegate. The candidate receiving the second highest number of votes will become the first alternate delegate, and so on. A candidate may also run for an alternate seat only. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes becomes the first alternate, and so on. However, if there is more than one candidate for the delegate position, the candidates running for alternate seats would succeed a candidate who receives the second highest number of votes for the delegate position, and so on. Unopposed candidates who seek election for NEA Representative Assembly delegate/alternate delegate will be declared elected by the MEA Elections Committee.
Elections Conducted by Local Governance Affiliates
MEA-Representative Assembly (Elections conducted by Local Associations)
Vacancies for election year 2025 exist for local associations for MEA Representative Assembly delegates/alternates. The MEA Representative Assembly Delegate/Alternate Vacancy List (Attachment I) found below lists delegate/alternate allocations for all local associations, as well as the names of delegates/alternates whose terms have not expired.
To become a candidate, the following must be completed by the date determined by your local association:
- MEA RA – Notice of Intent (Local K-12) – submit this form to your local president by the date determined by your local association.
Conduct of Elections
The local association will distribute ballots to all members if the number of Notices of Intent received exceeds the number of vacancies allocated to the local association. Unopposed candidates who seek election as MEA Representative Assembly delegates/alternates will be declared elected by the Local Association. Following the election, the local president must submit to MEA the Certificate of Election by 4:30pm on March 14, 2025.
NEA-Representative Assembly (Elections Conducted by Local Associations)
Vacancies for election year 2025 exist for local associations for NEA Representative Assembly Local delegates/alternates. NEA emails the local association president directly with delegate/alternate allocations.
To become a candidate, the following must be completed by the date set by your local association:
- NEA RA – Notice of Intent (Local K-12) – submit this form to your local president by the date set by your local association.
Conduct of Elections
The local association will distribute ballots to all members if the number of Notices of Intent received exceeds the number of vacancies allocated to the local association. Unopposed candidates who seek election as NEA Representative Assembly delegates/alternates will be declared elected by the Local Association. Following the election, the local president must submit to MEA the Affiliated Association Official Report of Elected Delegates by 4:30pm on April 4, 2025.
Election Resources
- Notice of Intent
- MEA Statewide Election Vacancies (attachment K)
- MEA Representative Assembly Delegate/Alternate Vacancy List (attachment I)
- MEA Representative Assembly Cluster Districts (attachment J)
- NEA Representative Assembly Election Districts (attachment G)
- Local Associations by Board District (attachment L)
- 2024-2025 Elections Handbook