The Maine State Legislature recently adjourned but not before voting on hundreds of bills – many of which impact public education in Maine.  The MEA is hosting a webinar for all MEA members to learn about the key bills from this session and the new laws set to take effect in the coming months. 

MEA Legislative Recap – 2023
Thursday August 17th 12:00pm – 1pm
Register here: Click Here

The MEA staff and leaders have been hard at work over the past many months to push forward an agenda dedicated to protecting and improving public education in Maine.  We passed several key bills, including additional funding for schools, more protections for higher education faculty, and significant retirement improvements.  In this webinar, the MEA staff and leaders will review the successes (and disappointments) of this session and discuss our goals when the Legislature returns in January.  MEA staff and leaders will be on hand to answer any questions you may have. 

In order to join the webinar, you must register here:  Click Here