All of our members, professional and support staff- all of you- are dealing with student mental health/behavioral challenges, and the opportunity below will be relevant to all.

MEA understands the growing social and emotional needs of our students. To assist teachers and ESPs (all support staff) in addressing these challenges, we invite you to attend the Maine Pediatric and Behavioral Health Partnership’s Mental Health Promotion in the School Setting ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) series.

Choose from one or multiple sessions that are relevant to your role. Sessions are on the 4th Monday of each month and run from 3:30 – 4:30. Contact hours will be awarded for each session attended.

Each session begins with a 10-minute mini-lesson covering the scheduled topic, then transitions into a panel discussion with subject matter experts. Leave the session with tools and recommendations for meeting student needs.

Topics Include:

Jan 23: Supporting Students with Anxiety

Feb 27: Building Emotional Resilience

Mar 27: Promoting Rational Thinking

Apr 24: Trauma Sensitive De-Escalation

May 22: Proactive Solutions to Problem Behaviors

June 12: Connecting: Family-School-Community