Leaders for Just Schools Equity Training
The MEA invites members to participate in a fall Leaders for Just Schools series. Participants will dive deep into understanding equity and how bias can impact teaching and learning. Find out how you can improve school culture so that every student can succeed. Leaders for Just Schools is a scaffolded curriculum with a small amount of work between the Zoom meetings. Please plan to come to all four sessions. Attendees of the entire series will earn 8.5 contact hours.
To learn more, join us for our kickoff event on Thursday, October 29th from 7-8pm. Register here!
Thursday, October 29th, 7-8pm Kickoff with MEA President Grace Leavitt (Equity, Equality, and Justice)
Thursday, November 5th, 7-8pm Equity and Bias
Thursday, November 19th 7-8pm Privilege
Thursday, December 3rd, 7-8pm Isms and Microaggressions
Please reach out to facilitators Mallory Cook ([email protected]) or Rebecca Cole ([email protected]) with any questions.