President’s Message – March 2022
Here we are in March already—not sure how that happened—and I imagine at least some of you have your sights on June, even after the recent school break, right? Hopefully those of you who had a break were able to find time to recharge. We know the...President’s Message – February 2022
February–A short month, and a (slightly) shorter message than usual…but, thankfully, slightly longer hours of daylight, which I hope helps us all as we continue to deal with omicron, shortages, as well as the winter weather in Maine.Still, though shorter, there...
President’s Message – January 2022
I hope this finds the New Year starting off well for you all! And ‘well’ is a key word these days as we continue to face the many challenges even as we leave 2021 behind. In keeping with that, you will see below several items about programs to help support your health...President’s Message – December 2021
I hope this finds you having had a good break over the Thanksgiving holiday! Of course, there has been no break from this ongoing pandemic, so be sure to stay connected to MEA for information related to this, as well...President’s Message – November 2021
For 20 months, I’ve been ending most messages with “Stay well”—and while I still do that, now I find myself adding “Hang in there”. I hope you are “hanging in there”! Over the past weeks, nearly every conversation with other state association leaders and the leaders...MEA Offices
Headquarters – Augusta
35 Community Drive, Augusta, ME 04330
Phone: 207-622-5866 or 1-800-452-8709
Fax: (207) 623-2129
1349 Broadway, Bangor, ME 04401
Phone: 207-942-0052 or 1-888-942-2907
Fax: (207) 942-0531
7 Hatch Drive Suite #220 Caribou, ME 04736
Phone: 207-888-3856 or 1-800-281-3191
Fax: (207) 498-3032
South Portland
29 Christopher Toppi Drive, South Portland, ME 04106
Phone: 207-774-6133 or 1-800-750-8801
Fax: (207) 774-9786