Why do we endorse candidates?

MEA brings together members to screen candidates who support us and advocate for pro-education policies that support our schools, our students, and our professions. Endorsing and electing candidates who support MEA’s goals increases the Union’s ability to pass favorable legislation.

Who Decides?

The Screening and Endorsement team is made up entirely of MEA members consisting of MEA Officers, MEA Board of Directors, MEA Government Relations Committee, Local Association Presidents or their designees, and MEA RA delegates.

What are the issues?

MEA Members determine MEA policy priorities through member-led proposals and discussions. Screening and Endorsement questionnaires are created based on issues identified by MEA RA delegates, MEA Officers, Board of Directors, and Government Relations Committee members.

The Process:

MEA prides itself on having a clear, fair, and democratic process leading up to the endorsement of a candidate.

  • STEP 1: Following the June Primary, questionnaires on public education issues are sent out to candidates. All questionnaires must be filled out by the candidate and returned to MEA by the deadline to be considered for the Screening and Endorsement process.
  • STEP 2: The Screening and Endorsement team meets in July to evaluate the questionnaires returned to MEA by the deadline. MEA members on the Screening and Endorsement team lead discussions to determine which candidates align with MEA policy priorities and propose candidates for MEA’s collective endorsement.
  • STEP 3: The Screening and Endorsement team sends endorsement recommendations for candidates to the MEA Board of Directors who make the final decision on endorsements by the Union.

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Check out the latest MEA Scorecards

MEA created a searchable database to make it easier for you to find your lawmaker so you can learn how they voted on important education and union issues to help you make an informed decision come election time.